Como amante del origami esta idea me parece ¡genial

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porta-celular-de-origamiIComo amante del origami esta idea me parece ¡genial!. Además, es muy fácil de hacer y solamente necesitas una hoja de papel puedes elegir alguna de los diseños papel deco de craftingeek.

Start out with a square piece of patterned scrapbook paper. A 4×4 or 6×6-inch square should work for a regular iPhone.I Try DIY | Origami StandTo start, fold the square in half.I Try DIY | Origami StandThen, fold again in half the other way.I Try DIY | Origami StandOpen up all the folds, then fold into quarters. First, fold the bottom edge towards the center.I Try DIY | Origami StandThen, fold the top edge towards the center.I Try DIY | Origami StandNext, you will need to make some creases. Start by making a doggie ear.I Try DIY | Origami StandUnfold, then make another doggie ear in the opposite direction.I Try DIY | Origami StandRepeat on the other side. Make a doggie ear fold.I Try DIY | Origami StandUnfold, then make another doggie ear fold in the opposite direction.I Try DIY | Origami StandUnfold. Make sure all creases are crisp.I Try DIY | Origami StandRotate your paper 90 degrees. Lift one corner, and tuck it inward. We’ll call this the POCKET.I Try DIY | Origami StandNext, pinch the two corners towards each other until the paper naturally folds into itself.I Try DIY | Origami StandTake the center, and tuck it under that pocket you created earlier.I Try DIY | Origami StandRepeat on the other side. Start by creating that pocket.I Try DIY | Origami StandPinch the corners together to create that natural fold.I Try DIY | Origami StandTuck the fold into the pocket.I Try DIY | Origami StandLast step, make the center fold crease even crisper. This is where your phone will be resting.I Try DIY | Origami StandFlip over, and you’re all done!I Try DIY | Origami StandPlace your phone on there, and you’re good to go!I Try DIY | Origami StandSee! Wouldn’t this be a cute wall installation? I really should try making a large-scale version!I Try DIY | Origami Standsours: itrydiyxx



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